Embrace your inner Animal - A healing journey with Joshis' MAP System
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About the Book & its contents

A book that will transform the way you look at yourself and your sickness.
A book that will empower you !

Pick this book up and find out

  • How your mind works
  • Why you fall sick
  • You are not dependent on the doctor to help you everytime !
  • You can change your sickness and your situation
  • You can find health, happiness and freedom

And Also

  • Find what animal does your inner personality match with !!!!
  • Find heart-touching case stories of people just like you and how they found their inner being – their strength and how they were healed !!!

A brief dynamic book on the concepts and practice of the Joshi couple !!

If you are a Homoeopath: This is a book
  • That will help your patients understand themselves
  • That explains the basic principles of homoeopathy
  • That will help your patients understand & admire your practice and your work.


If you are a beginner:
  • If you are new and want to know the joshi concepts, this book will open you up and introduce you to a completely new realm of thought, concepts and skills that you can acquire to enhance your practice.
